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Charge music box mechanism, wind up music box movement to be used as a...
With this option you can customize all our musical boxes with a short...
Wooden jewelry music box: the key underlying charges the mechanisms and...
Our beautiful gift cards are original and unique! With our paint print...
What you see in the picture is a small Hot air Ballon carousel children...
With this option you can personalize with a dedication all the musical...
This is a Custom musical jewelry box: the key below loads the mechanism...
Our beautiful gift cards are original and unique! With our paint print...
BIKES Carousel musical box, for children and babies, with a fascinating...
The pages on the website (“the Website”) are published by LA GATTA snc (“La GATTA”), a company registered in Italy (P.Iva 00843150673 REA TE-33958), whose registered address Via xx Settembre 37 - Colonnella (TE) - 64010. La GATTA respects your right to privacy and will process personal information you provide only in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and other applicable privacy laws.
There are several forms of payment that LA GATTA makes available for your purchases. It will be possible to choose one of the following methods when filling out the order:
By choosing how to pay PayPal, at the end of the order you will be automatically directed to the PayPal login page where you can access your PayPal account using email and password and proceed with payment.
If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still buy with a credit card by clicking on "Create a PayPal account and pay with your credit card or prepaid card". In this last case it will be possible to pay using the following credit or prepaid cards.
You can also pay for your purchases by bank transfer, choosing between the payment methods, during the order process.
Then make the transfer to your bank of reference (the bank details are listed below and will also be sent to you in the order confirmation e-mail), indicating in the reason for the name present in the purchase order.
IMPORTANT: to speed up the processing of your order, we recommend sending a copy of the bank transfer by fax to +39 0735 436826 or via email at
Bank account details:
You will also receive a confirmation e-mail, which we will send to the completion of the order, with the IBAN code necessary for the execution of the bank transfer.
Orders can be sent via our website or by calling our office directly at (+39) 0735 436826 or by sending an order by fax to the same number or by e-mail to
The ordered products are shipped within 5 working days from receipt of the order, in case you have chosen to pay by credit card, with PayPal website.
While, for orders that have as a method of payment the bank transfer, the goods will be sent within 5 working days from payment confirmation.
We recommend that you send a copy of the payment by fax to 0735 436826 or e-mail to to speed up the order.
Delivery is made by express courier (DHL):
In Europe, delivery takes place within 48 working hours following dispatch (see above).
In USA, delivery takes 5 working days.
For delivery to other countries, please contact us, to evaluate the individual case with DHL, before shipping.
We would like to point out that the delivery may be subject to delays and variations, due to force majeure (traffic and traffic conditions in general, strikes, or by deed of the Authorities).
In any case, however, you can not be held responsible LA GATTA s.n.c.
Our company is able to quickly and safely fulfill direct orders all over the national and international territory. Shipping costs depend on the size of the piece requested: buying more pieces will reduce the cost of transport and will be cheaper.
In any case it will be possible to have a quotation of the shipping cost, at the time of the order, in the Check-out, before even confirming the purchase.
For a shipment in Italy a cost will go from a minimum of € 7.00 to a maximum € 18.00 per single item.
For the shipment out of Italy the cost will go from 15€ to a maximum of 40€ per itam.
Delivery is made by express courier (DHL):
In Europe, delivery takes place within 48 working hours following dispatch (see above).
In USA, delivery takes 5 working days.
For delivery to other countries, please contact us, to evaluate the individual case with DHL, before shipping.
We would like to point out that the delivery may be subject to delays and variations, due to force majeure (traffic and traffic conditions in general, strikes, or by deed of the Authorities).
In any case, however, you can not be held responsible LA GATTA s.n.c.
Our company is careful to make packaging always very accurate, making the shipments of the products in different ways, depending on their size and the quality of the original packaging of the producers. For the most delicate products, packaging with paper and cartoon protective structure, is always provided to protect the contents and possible shocks during transport.
Shipments are delivered by DHL express courier from Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm and notice service is not always provided. We will send you en email with the way bill of your package.
In the absence of the recipient, the courier will leave a postcard (notice of passage) with instructions for delivery, or send an email to the address provided by the customer at the time of registration.
LA GATTA s.n.c. assumes no responsibility for disservices due to external causes, such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and / or lockouts, earthquakes, floods and other similar events that prevent, in whole or in part, to implement the sales agreement in the agreed time.
LA GATTA s.n.c. will not be liable to any party for damages, losses and costs incurred as a result of the non-execution of the sale agreement for the aforementioned causes, or in respect of damages, losses and costs incurred as a result of the use or impossibility to use the products purchased by LA GATTA snc, having the customer only entitled to any refund of the price paid, excluding any shipping costs.
LA GATTA s.n.c. is not responsible for any fraudulent and illegal use that may be made by third parties, credit cards, checks and other means of payment, upon payment of the products purchased. LA GATTA s.n.c. in fact, it is not able to know the buyer's credit card number at any moment during the purchase procedure; at the same time LA GATTA s.n.c. is not able to check the correct and lawful origin of the credit that is delivered by the customer upon receipt of the goods.
Please indicate in the order a correct delivery address, where there is someone who can receive the courier. The address must be complete with all the required data, and in the entry "name / name" it is essential to communicate the name that appears in the bell or in the main door of the house/building/office.
Once the shipment is received, we invite you to check:
Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or request at the e-mail address or at +39 0735 436826.
Il cliente si impegna, una volta conclusa la procedura d'acquisto ''on line'' o via fax, a provvedere alla stampa e/o alla conservazione delle presenti condizioni generali, che, peraltro, avrà già visionato ed accettato in quanto passaggio obbligato nell'acquisto, nonché alla stampa delle specifiche del prodotto oggetto dell'acquisto, e ciò al fine di soddisfare integralmente la condizione di cui agli articoli 3 e 4 del D.Lgs. 185/99.
All'acquirente è severamente vietato inserire dati falsi e/o inventati e/o di fantasia nella procedura di registrazione necessaria ad attivare nei suoi confronti l'iter per l'esecuzione del presente accordo di vendita e le relative ulteriori comunicazioni; i dati anagrafici e la e-mail devono essere esclusivamente i reali propri dati personali e non di terze persone.
Nel caso in cui il Cliente sceglie di utilizzare la modalità di pagamento con carta di credito compilando gli appositi campi presenti sul nostro sito web, autorizza LA GATTA s.n.c. ad utilizzare la Sua carta di credito e ad addebitare sul Suo conto corrente bancario l'importo totale evidenziato quale costo dell'acquisto effettuato a favore della suddetta società. L'intera procedura è effettuata tramite connessione protetta direttamente collegata all'Istituto Bancario titolare e gestore del servizio di pagamento ''on line'', al quale LA GATTA s.n.c. non può accedere. Qualora il cliente, avendo pagato con carta di credito, si dovesse avvalere del diritto di recesso, così come articolato nelle presenti condizioni generali, l'importo da rimborsare sarà accreditato tramite bonifico bancario o altro mezzo idoneo.
Grazie alla garanzia fornita dal "diritto di recesso", avrà a disposizione 10 giorni di tempo, dalla consegna della merce, per restituirci gli articoli che non dovessero soddisfarla.
Per tutti i dettagli sul diritto di recesso la invitiamo a visionare la sezione “FACOLTA' DI ESERCITARE IL DIRITTO DI RECESSO AI SENSI DEL D.LGS. 185/99 ” nella sezione seguente.
Sono esclusi dal decreto legislativo i soggetti non classificabili come consumatori, ovverosia chi agisce per scopi riferibili all'attività professionale eventualmente svolta, cioè chi effettua un ordine indicando la Partita IVA per la fattura.
Il Cliente ha diritto di recedere entro e non oltre 10 giorni lavorativi dalla consegna (fa fede la data di consegna riportata sulla lettera di vettura del corriere).
Il diritto di recesso si esercita entro il termine previsto con l'invio di una lettera raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno e di tutta la merce acquistata al seguente indirizzo:
LA GATTA s.n.c. , Via Sardegna 16 - 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP).
La comunicazione DEVE ESSERE ANTICIPATA via fax e/o via email ed è necessario ATTENDERE LA CONFERMA da parte dell’azienda La Gatta s.n.c. Al momento della richiesta del rimborso è necessario specificare il motivo per cui si desidera restituire la merce e solo dopo la conferma dell’azienda sarà possibile spedire il tutto.
In caso di applicabilità del diritto di recesso IL CLIENTE E’ TENUTO A RESTITUIRE A SUE SPESE tutti gli articoli relativi alla fattura così come gli sono pervenuti e cioè assolutamente nuovi, non usati, completi di tutte le loro parti e negli imballi originali (buste e confezioni).
La non osservanza di questi principi rende inapplicabile il diritto di recesso.
Invitiamo i gentili Clienti a collaborare con noi seguendo la nostra procedura per l'invio dei resi ed a non spedirci merce per la quale il diritto di recesso non sia applicabile.
In caso di applicazione del diritto di recesso, una volta ricevuta la merce, LA GATTA s.n.c. , provvederà al rimborso dell'INTERO IMPORTO VERSATO DAL CLIENTE, ESCLUSE LE SPESE DI SPEDIZIONE, entro il termine di 30 giorni dalla data in cui la comunicazione è pervenuta, tramite le seguenti modalità: un cambio merce, un bonifico bancario, lo storno della movimentazione relativa al pagamento avvenuto mediante carta di credito.
Avvisiamo il cliente che il diritto di recesso non è applicabile per gli articoli PERSONALIZZATI (che hanno subito una qualsiasi variazione rispetto al prodotto da catalogo; es: cambio melodia, dedica, cambi di colore etc etc..). Per gli articoli personalizzati, se difettosi o mal funzionanti, si può richiedere una riparazione, ma NON un reso con rimborso.
Attenzione: In caso il diritto di recesso non sia applicabile, il ritiro della merce presso la nostra sede sarà a cura del Cliente.
LA GATTA s.n.c. ha la facoltà di risolvere l'accordo di vendita fornendo una semplice comunicazione al cliente con adeguate e giustificate motivazioni; in tal caso il cliente avrà diritto esclusivamente alla restituzione dell'eventuale somma già corrisposta. Le obbligazioni assunte dal cliente all'art. 4 di cui sopra (Obblighi dell'acquirente), nonché la garanzia del buon fine del pagamento che il cliente deve effettuare, hanno carattere essenziale, cosicché per patto espresso, la inadempienza da parte del Cliente, di una soltanto di dette obbligazioni, determinerà la risoluzione di diritto del contratto ex art.1456 c.c., senza necessità di pronuncia giudiziale, fatto salvo il diritto per LA GATTA snc di agire in giudizio per il risarcimento dell'ulteriore danno.
Ogni controversia relativa all'applicazione, esecuzione, interpretazione e violazione degli accordi di compravendita ''on line'' , via fax o "telefonico" ottenuti tramite il sito web è sottoposta alla giurisdizione italiana; le presenti condizioni generali si riportano, per quanto non espressamente ivi previsto, al combinato disposto del D.Lgs. 50/92 e del D.Lgs. 185/99. Per qualsiasi controversia tra le parti in merito al presente contratto sarà di esclusiva competenza del Foro di Roma.
La GATTA will not collect any information about individuals, except where it is specifically and knowingly provided by them.
When you visit Website, La GATTA’s web server collects some basic information such as your browser type, IP address, internet service provider’s domain name, which pages you accessed on the site, and when.
La GATTA uses this information to provide you with and maintain the quality of the Website and to analyse the use of the Website in order to help guide improvements. Personally identifiable information is not automatically collected.
If you register for the alert service, you will need to provide your name and email address. This information will be held by La GATTA. The information will not be used for any other purpose; it will be stored securely and will not be shared with third parties. By registering for the alerts, you consent to this use of your name and email address.
Except as described above La GATTA will disclose, sell or rent your personal information to any third party.
Whilst La GATTA takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the personal information that you provide, no transmission over the Internet can ever be guaranteed secure. Consequently, please note that the security of any personal information that you transfer over the Internet to La GATTA cannot be guaranteed.
You have the following rights:
If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please write to La GATTA (as appropriate) at the address specified above.
The data provided here, pursuant to art. 10 of the Law 675/96 on '' protection of the person and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data '', are treated, as part of the normal activity of our company, for:
The processing of data is done through instruments suitable to guarantee the security and confidentiality pursuant to the D.P.R. n. 318/99 with controlled access and limited to authorized subjects. The data will be stored on an IT support at the headquarters of LA GATTA s.n.c. , Via Sardegna 16 - 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), for the times prescribed by law.
For more information on the protection of privacy visit the website of the Association for the Rights of Users and Consumers.
LA GATTA sells products of high quality for which it offers a minimum warranty of 12 months from the delivery date shown on the courier's waybill, excluding products that by their nature can not be covered by warranty. Generally, this service is provided by the manufacturers of the goods sold and, where the practice of the latter requires it, LA GATTA will collaborate in the phases of the return and management of the return under warranty.
For this purpose and to allow LA GATTA personnel to correctly fulfill the task, the Customer must request the authorization number to return the product. To take advantage of the warranty the goods must be placed in the original packaging, complete with all its parts (even if not working), as well as originally to purchase, except for any consumables originally supplied as a demonstration. In case of authorization to return, the shipment of defective goods will be charged to the customer, while the return of the goods repaired or replaced will be by LA GATTA.
In the event that the goods returned in warranty were fully functional, LA GATTA will return the same to the customer.
If the repair of the product is not covered by warranty, LA GATTA will inform the customer of the amount of the estimate.
The warranty only covers the repair or replacement of unusable or inefficient items due to manufacturing or manufacturing defects found in the service center authorized by the manufacturer.
The warranty does not cover glass parts, lamps, batteries, accumulators; consumables ; maintenance and calibration interventions mentioned in the user manual supplied with the equipment. The warranty is not valid if the appliance has been tampered with by unauthorized personnel, if the faults have been caused by negligence or misuse of the purchaser, willfulness, transport, shock, falls, humidity, leakage of batteries, use of materials do not comply with the manufacturer's specifications or other causes not due to manufacturing or production faults.
LA GATTA can never, under any circumstances, be burdened with charges or damages deriving from any interruptions in the operation of the devices subject to the warranty. Defective equipment must be sent, subject to authorization by LA GATTA, to be paid by the Customer to the following address: LA GATTA s.n.c. , Via Sardegna 16 - 63074 San Benedetto del Tronto (AP).
For LA GATTA, the most important thing is customer satisfaction after the purchase. For this reason, after completing your order, you can always count on an efficient customer service.
At any time you can contact us quickly at +39 0735 436826 or at the email address to let us know about any problem, getting a quick solution.